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Emma Foley

F U N C T I O N  T O  F A S H I O N

Fashion Anthropology - The Brief

Initially as individuals, carry out research into an area of fashion that interests you and you feel passionate about, to then come together as a group to share your research around your fashion obsession. Build off these findings and collate them into a harmonious outcome that will be presented in an exhibition.

Our Fashion Obsessions 

Working as a group of 4, our fashion obsessions included:
- Straight leg jeans (mine)
- Sunglasses
- Gor-tex
- Trainers 

What accumulated from this, was the shared theme that often all these items are more often prioritised for their appearance rather than their functionality.


The Concept

Showcase how youth culture has changed the way we view clothing, due to how we prioritise appearance over practicality when choosing what we wear, through a short film.

Explore the idea of how people utilise different clothing items, contrary to their main purpose especially amongst Gen Z who seem more concerned with how others perceive them and their fashion choices. Youth music culture was also a large part of what formed our final concept, more specifically rave and club scenes. 

The Outcome

The main aspect of what we wanted viewers to take away from our short film is that the meaning behind clothing and fashion is constantly changing, and this is what we imagine the meaning to be about today, specifically within the rave and night life scene. It's really interesting to witness how young people today are repurposing clothing and experimenting with utilisation and functionality as a way of expressing themselves and their identity. 



My Roles

- Researcher
- Idea & concept creating
- Filming (role shared                   across all team members)



- Communication
- Primary &                                        secondary research
- Team work & collaboration

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